Monday, August 27, 2007

9 Delicious Ways to Fight Arthritis- Way 3

Sweet peppers.

A single green pepper contains 176 percent of your daily needs for vitamin C -- and colorful red and yellow varieties have more than double that amount. That makes them richer in C than citrus fruits, but sweet peppers are also excellent sources of vitamin B6 and folate.

Lock in nutrients. Store peppers in the refrigerator: The tough, waxy outer shell of bell peppers naturally protects nutrients from degrading due to exposure to oxygen, but you'll boost the holding power of chemicals in the skin by keeping them cold.

Separate seeds. Whether cutting into crudités, tossing into salads, or stuffing whole, you'll want to remove tough and bitter-tasting seeds. They're easily cut when slicing, but when retaining an entire bell for stuffing, cut a circle around the stem at the top of the pepper, lift out the attached membranes, and scoop remaining seeds and membranes with a thick-handled spoon.

Jam them in the juicer. You might not think of peppers as juicer giants, but they can add zest to drinks made from other fruits and vegetables, such as carrots.

Cook as a side dish. Tired of the same old vegetables at dinner? Slice a pepper or two and do a fast sauté in olive oil, adding a pinch of salt, pepper, and your favorite herb. The heat releases the sweetness, making sautéed peppers a wonderful counterpart to meats and starches.

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